Suggestions, Comments and Complaints

If you would like to let the practice know when they have done well, please use our Feedback triage.

Fleggburgh Surgery is committed to giving the best possible service and welcomes feedback from patients and visitors.

All feedback is taken seriously and used to improve services for patients. The care of patients raising concerns will not be affected in any way and will continue to be our highest priority.

Your comments will help us to maintain our high standard of service.


If for any reason you are not happy with the service provided the first thing to do would be to raise your concern with a member of staff or ask to speak to our practice manager.

The practice operates an in-house complaints procedure that complies with nationally set criteria.

If you prefer, you can write to the practice manager who will review as appropriate and respond to you in writing within 10 working days. However, if you feel too uncomfortable to complain to the practice manager directly then you can make a complaint to the commissioner of the services instead. For more information on this, please visit NHS UK: How to complain to the NHS.

If you would like independent advice on how to make a complaint then you can contact VoiceAbility at – this is the NHS Complaints Advocacy service that is free, confidential and independent of the NHS.